һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö Research and Creative Activity Day


RCA Day 2023 Overhead View

Overhead view of the 2023 RCA Day event. Photo Credit: Marina Barbosa Santos

Research and Creative Activity (RCA) Day is һФһÂëÖгÖ's annual celebration of undergraduate student experiences across campus!

April 1st, 2025

All һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö students, faculty, staff, and the community at large are invited to attend. *Attendees under 18 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caretaker.*


This annual event allows students to showcase their scholarly experiences from the current academic year.


In the past, students have participated with:

  • A poster submission
  • Speeches and musical performances
  • Video submissions
  • Prototype displays
  • Research demonstrations
  • Art submissions and creative displays

Japanese Speech Students

Japanese Speech participants stand with their mentor, Chisato Murakami.
Photo Credit: Eric Marshall.

Frequently asked questions

Any һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö undergraduate student who is participating in, or has completed, their own mentor-supervised research or creative project can participate in RCA Day.

  • Students from all disciplines and all һФһÂëÖгÖ-affiliated campuses are invited to share their work at this event.
    • һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö Campuses Include: Bristol Bay, Chukchi, CTC, Troth Yeddha’, Interior Alaska, Kuskokwim, Northwest
  • Individual and group presentations are both allowed.
  • Students do not need prior affiliation with URSA in order to participate!
    • Whether you worked with another research unit on campus, completed a project in a course, or completed an independent project with a mentor- you can participate!
  • Projects do not need to be completed works! In-progress projects showing their preliminary or anticipated results are also welcome.

Research and creative endeavours can range widely in form depending on the discipline. What is important is that your work was mentor-supervised, is original, and represents scholarly effort.

  • Projects may take the form of the final product of an URSA award or һФһÂëÖгÖ-affiliated research, a capstone course or senior thesis, or university-sanctioned project.
  • If you have any questions regarding a specific project, please contact the URSA Office at ursa.uaf@alaska.edu.

Day of the event:

  • Presentation session (noon-3 p.m.): All participants are expected to be present with their display from noon-3 p.m. to visit with the public. Please reserve time in your schedule to check in and orient yourself at the event prior to the poster session start time. 
    • POSTERS: URSA will print all posters for free that are submitted prior to the posted submission deadline. We will print and hang the submitted posters on the boards prior to the event start. If you have a poster printed from a recent conference, you may bring your own poster on the event day. Please indicate on your registration and submission form whether you plan to bring your own poster. Poster boards will be supplied at the event. Students do not need to bring their own display board.
    • ARTWORK: Students will be asked to arrive early with their artwork submission to set up on RCA Day. Please notify the URSA office of any exhibition accommodations needed to display your work.
    • PERFORMANCES: Performances will be scheduled during the presentation session. If you have time conflicts during the 12-3pm presentation session, please notify the URSA staff. We will have a podium and microphone available- any additional performance accommodations will need to be communicated with the URSA team early on.
    • URSA encourages students to arrive by 11:30 a.m. to check in, ensure their submission is properly displayed, and to prepare for the public session.

Please visit our presenter resources page for guidance on poster design, video recording and editing tools, and oral presentation resources on campus.

Posters submitted prior to the deadlines listed will be printed for free by the URSA office.

Door Prizes: $500

  • URSA will draw two names from those in attendance to receive a $500 door prize scholarship.
  • Only current, registered, һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö students will be eligible to receive a door prize.
  • Attendance prizes are monetary awards and will be sent to the recipient's student account following the event.
  • Door prizes will be announced at 3pm when the presentation session concludes.

After the event:

  • Participant names, project titles, posters, videos and other types of presentation submissions will be published on the URSA website.
  • Posters are also archived with the .

See the URSA Research and Creative Activity Day archive for examples:

For any other questions about the event, please contact the URSA team at ursa.uaf@alaska.edu. We are here to help!