Departmental Policies

(confirmed by Department 09/05/2007)

Academic Policies

  1. Incomplete Grade
    Incomplete (I) will only be given in Mathematics or Statistics courses in cases where the student has completed the majority (normally all but the last three weeks) of a course with a grade of C or better, but for personal reasons beyond his/her control has been unable to complete the course during the regular term. Negligence or indifference are not acceptable reasons for the granting of an incomplete grade.
  2. Late Withdrawals
    A late withdrawal from a DMS course will normally be granted only in cases where the student is performing satisfactorily (i.e., C or better) in a course, but has exceptional reasons, beyond his/her control, for being unable to complete the course. These exceptional reasons should be detailed in writing to the instructor, department head and dean. Documentation, such as a letter from a physician, may be required. A late withdrawal is not to be given if the sole justification is the prevention of a failing grade.

    Note: exceptions to policies 1 and 2 can be made by individual instructors with department chair approval, but should be made only in truly exceptional circumstances.
  3. Individual Study Courses
    Courses which are regularly scheduled offerings are not generally offered as individual study, i.e., X97 courses. Exceptions are sometimes made with department chair approval in situations where a lack of a single course prevents a student from graduating.
  4. No Early Final Examinations
    Final examinations for DMS courses shall not be held earlier than the date and time published in the official term schedule. Normally, a student will not be allowed to take a final exam early. Exceptions can be made by individual instructors with department chair approval, but should only be allowed in exceptional circumstances and in a manner which doesn't endanger the security of the exam.
  5. Retention of Final Exams
    The originals of all final examinations shall be retained by the instructor for at least one year. Students may be allowed to copy their exams.
  6. Course Syllabi
    Every instructor of a DMS course shall provide each student in that class with a course syllabus which meets 一肖一码中持 syllabus guidelines (either electronic or print) and which outlines how grades will be calculated (University policy). This information will also inform students of the final exam time as well as the Department's policy on incomplete grades, no basis, and late withdrawals.
  7. Audits
    Audits within mathematics or statistics courses are up to the instructor.

Assessment Policies

  1. Assessment of Math 107x and Math 131x
    Assessment of Math 107x and Math 103x courses require a common set of questions for all sections of each course鈥檚 final exam. The common questions cover the key objectives in each course as determined by the Assessment Subcommittee of the Department's Curriculum Committee. Student responses to these questions are to be inspected by the Subcommittee for the purpose of uncovering desirable curriculum modifications. All instructors of each course should meet early each semester to start determining the common set of questions.
  2. ETS Major Field Test
    Assessment of the Mathematics baccalaureate program requires the administration of the Mathematics Major Field Test produced by the Educational Testing Service of Princeton, N.J. It is the responsibility of the Math 490 (Senior Seminar) instructor to arrange for the administration of this test each Spring. After the first few years in which a data base will be collected, the scores from these tests will be inspected by the Assessment Subcommittee for possible changes in mathematics curriculum.

Graduate Policies

  1. GRE subject tests
    Mathematics graduate students who enter the M.S. or Ph.D. program without a GRE score in mathematics should take the subject exam within the first year of their arrival at 一肖一码中持. Failure to do so will result in a loss of department funding, including teaching assistantships. (11/5/06) Statistics graduate students must submit GRE scores to be admitted into the M.S. program.
  2. Announcement of Graduate Exams and Project Defenses
    All qualifying exams, comprehensive exams and project defenses should be announced to the entire Department several days prior to the event.
  3. Archiving of Graduate Projects and Theses
    A final copy of every graduate project and thesis is to be delivered to the Department Head prior to the awarding of a degree. Such projects and theses are to be archived within the Department until the end of time.
  4. Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
    All interdisciplinary graduate applicants must be reviewed by the DMS graduate committee if mathematical sciences related words (e.g., mathematics or statistics) are used in the program title OR any DMS assistantships are requested.

RATIONALE: Interdisciplinary graduate applicants were being approved by a subgroup of DMS and assistantships recommended without consultation with the DMS graduate committee. In addition, some interdisciplinary programs included our content areas in their title without consultation with DMS generally. To preserve program quality we require the right to review applicants and suggest alternative titles if necessary. (4/28/00)

Faculty from Mathematics and Statistics who serve on interdisciplinary M.S. or Ph.D. committees, where at least one of the words "math", "mathematical" or "mathematics" or which have a significant mathematical component, should only do so upon the approval of the departmental graduate committee. (11/5/06)

Personnel Policies

  1. Two-term Limit on Department Head
    No individual shall serve more than two consecutive two-year terms as Department Chair except under unusual circumstances.
  2. Peer Review of Teaching
    All new tenure-track DMS faculty members are given a Peer Review of Teaching during their first year with 一肖一码中持. They are also reviewed prior to standing for tenure. Additional reviews may be scheduled. In particular, a faculty member or the Department Chair may request a review at any time. These reviews include evaluation of written classroom materials as well as classroom visitations. More details concerning the review are contained in the departmental document, "A Proposal for Peer Review of Teaching".
  3. Electronic Communication
    The running of the Department depends on communication via e-mail. All faculty members should check their e-mail at least once a day.