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FORMCHECKBOX  Request for a new position  FORMCHECKBOX  Request to fill a vacated position  FORMCHECKBOX  Request to fill a vacated position with a direct replacement College/School:  FORMTEXT      Department: Rank of Position: Term (Y or N):Tenure Track or Non-Tenure Track:PCN:Discipline: Fund Source: Proposed Salary Range*: Anticipated CIP:   SECTION 1: REQUEST TO FILL A VACATED POSITION If this request is to fill a vacated position, please complete the following: Name of the faculty member whose position will be vacated:  FORMTEXT       Reason for leaving:  FORMTEXT       Note: Please provide the Provost s Office with copies of resignation, retirement, termination, and non-retention notices. The information supplied by the department chair will be weighed by the dean in deciding and recommending to the Provost the disposition of open lines. What did the incumbent teach? What departmental and/or program priorities do these courses meet? Which are required courses? What other options are there for covering these courses? To what extent is this position critical to maintain sufficient faculty numbers to sustain your program? How critical is the incumbents teaching, research, and/or service specialty to the programs ability to offer required courses and maintain the integrity of the program? How does this persons area of scholarship align with campus priorities (e.g., the Strategic Plan, etc)? SECTION 1a: DIRECT REPLACEMENT If this is a request for the direct replacement for a vacated position, please complete the following section. Note: A justification memo addressed to the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor must be included with the Job Request Form. You may attach a memo to this DocuSign JRF. What is the importance for a direct placement for your graduate program? If applicable: How would you compensate for any unfulfilled responsibilities that would result from not replacing the incumbent directly? Other comments: SECTION 2: REQUEST FOR A NEW POSITION (You may attach a memo to this DocuSign JRF- if applicable). If this is a request for a new position, please complete the following section: What is the rationale for creating the new position? Please be specific: How would you seek to use this position in the development of the program and/or department? How would the new position align with campus priorities (e.g., the Strategic Plan, etc)? SECTION 3: ADDITIONAL QUESTION Response Required Recruitment Committees are required to attend the Diversity and Implicit Bias Training provided by the UAHR Team. In addition to the mandatory UAHR Diversity and Implicit Bias Training, what will be your search committee s strategy for ensuring a diverse and inclusive faculty peer group that includes this hire? Other comments: Signatures  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       __________________________________ _____________________ Department Chair/Program Head Date: Comments:  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       _________________________________ ______________________ Dean or Director Date Comments:  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       _________________________________ ______________________ Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Date Comments: Once all signatures have been collected, this form will be routed back to the dean/director s of66 8 < = K L M O i o p ~  Ǹ~ytlh]lhUtMhh5h'-h5jlhUhjhU h5 hm%5h'-h5jh0KUh'-h'-5jh0KUh'-jh'-Uhh]h32h]56CJ\aJh32h]5>*CJ\aJ *h32h]5>*CJ\aJh32h]6CJaJh32h]5CJ aJ 66 7 8 onkd$$Ifl,"" t0644 lap yt32 $Ifgd] $$Ifa$gd32 $$Ifa$gd328 8 T V ~ FkdV$$Ifl0! t0!644 lalpytR $Ifgd<&$d %d&d'dN OPQgdR   & ( * 4 6 8 R T V | ~ , 0 b d  ǹ|heAh6-heA56h5>*\h(H5>*\hm%5>*\h(Hh(H5>*\hh(Hhjh32UmHnHuhh'8hYl-h.jh'-UmHnHujh0KUjh'-Uh'-h- vmmm $Ifgd<kd$$Ifl0! t0!644 lalpytR . vmm $Ifgd<kd$$Ifl0! t0!644 lalpytR. 0 d vmm $Ifgd<kdB$$Ifl0! t0!644 lalpytR vOOOOOOOO&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd(.kd$$Ifl0! t0!644 lalpytR  H J )d$d%d&d'dNOPQgd(.&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd(.)$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd(. 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WORKING DRAFT: TO BE USED AS A WORKING DRAFT DO NOT SUBMIT TO BE PROCESSED OR SIGNED. PAGE  PAGE 1 Job Request Form, һФһг Office of the Provost, March 2021 TO BE USED AS A WORKING DRAFT DO NOT SUBMIT TO BE PROCESSED OR SIGNED.  Salary Range To be completed by the Provosts Office : Avg: _________ Avg: ________ __ OSU Range: Low: _________ __CUPA Range: Low: _________ High: _________ High: _________ Provosts Office Comment: REMINDER: *Before extending an offer to a potential faculty member, please complete an Initial Salary Placement Worksheet, which can be found on the Provosts webpage. In addition, you will need to obtain additional approval from the Provost to offer a candidate a salary that falls outside of the pre-approved range. {H|HHHH I I IIIIIIHIvIIIIJJgd'8^gdgdgd!$a$gd $h]ha$gdY\_ $h]ha$gdr $h]ha$gd'- &`#$gd0K|H}HHHHHHHHHH I I I IIIIIIEIFIGIHIƽxhXNFhY\_h!7 *hY\_h!7 *hY\_hqn567>*\ *hY\_h!567>*\ *hY\_hqn57>*\]h=Nh h)h Chrjh32UmHnHuh0Kh1hr56CJ\aJh'-6CJaJhI^6CJaJh'-h'-6CJaJhY\_6CJaJh0JmHnHu h'-0Jjh'-0JUHIZIuIIIIIIIIIJJ JJJJJJVJ`JJJJJJJKKKK%KGKHK羺zrdrrrrYhhCJaJhhuw56CJaJhuwCJaJhCJaJh|hCJaJhCJaJhh5>*CJ\aJhm%hm%5>*\hm%h5>*\h!hh'8CJaJhY\_h7>*CJaJhY\_h7hY\_h!7hY\_h7CJaJhY\_h'87CJaJ"JJ JJHKIKJKKK$a$gdK6^gd$a$gdgd!HKIKJKKKhK6^hK6^6h=Nh,1h/ =!"#$% $$If!vh#v":V l t065"p yt32tDeCheck9vDeCheck10tDeCheck9vDText40$$Ifl!vh#v#v:V l t0!655alpytR$$Ifl!vh#v#v:V l t0!655alpytR$$Ifl!vh#v#v:V l t0!655alpytR$$Ifl!vh#v#v:V l t0!655alpytR$$Ifl!vh#v#v:V l t0!655alpytRtDText9vDText10vDText29vDText31vDText33vDText34vDText35vDText36w2&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List jj  Table Grid7:V04@4 '-Header  !4 @4 '-Footer  !.)@!. 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