Animals in University Buildings and on University Property Policy

һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö Policy 05.09.001

Original Adoption: January 2005

Revised: 9/20/2010; 10/29/2018; 11/22/2021

Responsible Chancellor's Cabinet Members: VCSA, DE&C, VCAS

Responsible Departments/Offices: DE&C, DS, CSRR, һФһÂëÖгÖPD, HR

Download signed policy (PDF)


һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö welcomes individuals and their animals to access land owned by the university in a safe and respectful manner that complies with university rules and regulations.  Animals must behave in a way that does not cause disruption or damage to the property or other users.  Clean-up of any waste material is expected immediately.

Animals, except for service animals, are not permitted in һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö buildings without prior approval or permission as an accommodation for a documented disability.  Students requiring this accommodation should work with Disability Services; employees and members of the public should work with the Department of Equity and Compliance. Please see section 9 of this policy for contact information. This restriction recognizes that animals pose potential risks related to disruption in educational and work environments, health, safety, and hygiene. This policy applies to all University controlled, leased, and owned buildings. All individuals bringing animals on to University property are subject to this policy.


This policy is intended to optimize the safety and health of students, faculty, staff, and visitors as it relates to animals on campus.


ADA Coordinator:  Position that monitors compliance with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) act.

ADA Professional: Positions that evaluate and approve accommodation requests.

Animals: Domestic birds, reptiles, fish, or mammals.

Assistance animal:  An animal approved through Disability Services (DS) or the Department of Equity and Compliance (DE&C) as a reasonable accommodation for an individual with a documented disability under applicable law.  May also be called emotional support animal, therapy animal, or comfort animal.

Building: University controlled, leased, or owned structures.

Documented Disability:  Medical documentation/record submitted to the Disability Services office if a student and to the Office of Equity and Compliance if an employee for individuals who experience a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity.

Handler: The animal’s owner and/or an individual who brings an animal or service animal into a University building or onto University property.

Pet: Any animal that is not a service animal, service animal in training, or assistance animal.

Real property: University controlled, leased, or owned land.

Restrained: Physical confinement (such as in a car), on a leash held by the handler, or under competent voice control when an animal is engaged in a recognized animal activity or form of training requiring that it not be physically confined.

Service animal: Any dog specifically trained to perform a task for the benefit of an individual with a disability.  In some circumstances, a miniature horse may be considered a service animal.  The tasks performed by a service animal must directly relate to the individual’s disability.

Service animal in training:  A dog or miniature horse that, per Alaska State law, is in the pre-training or training period as required under a program administered through a school, agency or another training facility for service animals whose goal is to certify the animal as being able to assist individuals with a disability.  The animal must wear a device or insignia approved by a school, agency or another facility that trains service animals that identifies the animal as being in training to be a service animal.  The ADA allows service animals to be trained by a trainer or the owner, however in the state of Alaska when accessing public facilities, which includes the University, state law requires the trainer to be authorized, which means to be employed by or serving as a volunteer with, a school, agency or other facility that trains service animals.


Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) Code, Title 6; Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504); Fair Housing Act (FHA), Alaska State law, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.


It is the responsibility of each animal handler to follow this policy and to respect the rights and concerns of others while on campus property. Any assistance with or clarifications of this policy can be obtained from DS or the DE&C, Human Resources, Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities (CSRR), or the һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö Police Department, (һФһÂëÖгÖPD).


Buildings: Animals are not permitted in һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö buildings without prior approval or permission with the exception of service animals. If the handler of either a service or assistance animal is an employee and intends to bring the animal into the workplace, the employee must first receive an approved accommodation through the һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö ADA Office/DE&C for service or assistance animals to be allowed in campus buildings.  See section 8 for a list of exceptions.

Real Property: Unless otherwise posted, animals are allowed on University controlled, leased, or owned property.

Residential Housing: For policies regarding animals in university residential housing facilities, please see the policies at

Conditions:  All handlers of animals in һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö buildings or on real property must adhere to the following conditions:

  • The animal shall be under the handler’s direct control at all times, such as by a harness, leash, or another tether. If the use of a harness, leash or other tether interferes with a service animals’ work or if the individual's disability prevents using these devices, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective means.
  • The handler must ensure the animal does not disturb or disrupt normal academic, research or administrative functions. The animal handler is responsible for the immediate cleanup and disposal of animal waste and other debris.
  • Animals may not be tethered to University buildings, structures, motor vehicles, trees, railings, light poles, benches, parking meters, posts, structure or anything that could cause harm to the animal.
  • The handler shall assume all financial responsibility for damages to property or injury to individuals caused by the animal.


University personnel may only ask animal handlers to remove their animal from University property or from the immediate area if:

  • The animal is not under the handler's direct control or the animal is disturbing or disrupting the normal administrative, academic, or programmatic routine, and the handler has been given an opportunity to get the animal under control, but the disruption or disturbance continues, then the handler may be asked to remove the animal;
  • The presence, behavior, or actions of the animal constitutes an immediate risk or danger to people or property, the handler can be asked to immediately remove the animal and University Police may be contacted.

If asked to remove the animal, the handler must be offered the opportunity to return to the University premises or the immediate area without the animal and be provided with reasonable assistance at that time to participate in the University service or program.

A service animal may only be excluded for an individual event based on its or the handler’s behavior at that event. The service animal or its handler cannot be excluded from future events based on a problem at a past event, except as indicated under section 8.

Handlers with concerns about the removal of their service animal should contact the ADA Coordinator, listed in section 9.

Any animal on University property that is not restrained, detracts from the educational or work environment, is destructive, or poses a health, safety or hygiene risk may be impounded and removed from University property by һФһÂëÖгÖPD. 

Examples of instances when һФһÂëÖгÖPD might remove an animal from University property include, but are not limited to:

  • an unrestrained animal;
  • incessant noise;
  • disruptive, harassing, aggressive, or intimidating behavior;
  • damaged property;
  • health, safety, or hygiene concerns.

һФһÂëÖгÖPD may attempt to contact the animal's handler. If the handler is unreachable after a short period of time, depending on the climate conditions and the availability of a holding facility, the animal will be picked up by or taken to the Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Shelter.


Depending on the seriousness of the animal's conduct or repeated misconduct, animals may be excluded from University property temporarily or permanently. The ADA Coordinator is responsible for conducting the necessary assessments regarding ongoing or permanent removal of an animal. If a service animal or an animal previously approved as an accommodation is excluded, the DS Office is available to students and DE&C is available to employees and guests to assist in evaluating alternate reasonable accommodations for the handler.

Handlers who violate this policy or disregard an instruction to remove or exclude an animal from University property may be subject to additional penalties. Violations of this policy by a handler who is a University student or employee may be referred for corrective or disciplinary action.

Disciplinary action for non-compliance:

  • Students: Disciplinary actions involving student handlers in noncompliance with this policy will be enforced through the һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö Student Code of Conduct process.
  • Employees: Disciplinary actions are the responsibility of the supervisor of the employee in noncompliance with this policy.
  • Guests and Visitors: Disciplinary actions are the responsibility of һФһÂëÖгÖPD.

To report violations and disturbances:

  • In on-campus residential buildings, contact һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö Residence Life.
  • In academic, administrative, recreational and student life buildings, contact department head or supervisor, but if one cannot be identified or reached, contact CSRR or һФһÂëÖгÖPD.
  • On campus real property, contact the department head or supervisor, but if one cannot be identified or reached, contact һФһÂëÖгÖPD.


  • Animals used in approved teaching, research and clinical activities.
  • Fish are allowed, with the supervisor's approval, in һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö offices. Personal aquaria may not exceed 10 gallons. Department aquaria may exceed ten gallons with the approval of the dean/director.
  • Service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as service animals in training. Service animals for employees must first be approved as an accommodation by DE&C before being permitted inside һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö buildings. Employees must contact the DE&C for additional information on service animals on campus; students may contact DS.
    • However, a service animal may be restricted from specific areas of the University when consistent with other University policies, state, and/or federal laws/regulations. Examples of these areas may include:
      • Food preparation areas;
      • Animal research facilities and grounds;
      • Medically sensitive patient and clinic areas; and
      • Biologically sensitive or hazardous sites.
  • Assistance animals approved as a reasonable accommodation through DS for students or through the DE&C for employees. Notice will be provided to the appropriate departments regarding approval of the accommodation.
  • Police dogs on duty
  • Pets living in campus family, staff and faculty residence facilities in compliance with policies and procedures established by Residence Life. Appropriate fees and deposits will be applicable. Contact Residence Life for additional information and applicable policies and regulations.
  • Special events: In special circumstances, approval may be obtained from Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management for animals to be brought on campus for a singular event involving the display or demonstration of specialized skills or natural behaviors.


Department of Equity and Compliance, һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö ADA/504 Coordinator
The University’s ADA/504 Coordinator addresses discrimination complaints, addresses barrier concerns, and provides compliance support and guidance to individuals, programs, departments, institutes colleges, and һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö as a whole, relating to disability.
Phone: 907-474-7300 (voice)
Website: /equity/

UA Human Resources (UA HR)
ADA professionals on UA HR’s Accessibility Team provide accessibility support and accommodations for applicants, employees, and visitors inside and outside of the workplace.  Additionally, UA HR can provide guidance for department heads and supervisors in maintaining and enforcing this policy. The UA HR Labor and Employee Engagement team will assist with addressing violations on this policy.
Phone: (907) 450-8208

Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities
Assist with information or reporting of violations of this policy.
Phone: 907-474-7317
Fax:  907-474-7900

Disability Services Office
ADA/ 504 professionals that provide accessibility support and accommodations for students enrolled at any һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö campus.
Phone:  907-474-5655 (voice); or 907-474-1827 (TTY)
Website:  /disabilityservices/

һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö Police Department
Assist with information or reporting of violations of this policy.
Phone:  907-474-7721
Fax:  907-474-5555
Website:  /police/



Daniel M, White, Chancellor

Signed: November 22, 2021