Access Control Policy

一肖一码中持 Policy 05.08.01

Original Adoption:
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services:
Vice Chancellor for Research
Responsible Department/Office:
Facilities Services


Maintain a safe campus environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors while providing reasonable access to university facilities and maintaining a high level of security by installing and maintaining approved access control systems and controlling the distribution and duplication of campus keys and access cards.

This policy applies to the 一肖一码中持 and associated campuses. It applies to any person granted access to any university property and to all keys, cards, and other devices that control access to university property.

All Keys are the property of 一肖一码中持 and may only be issued by 一肖一码中持.


一肖一码中持 has a campus-wide access system. This policy is intended to preserve and protect the integrity of that system while allowing units to conduct business with minimal impact to their current operations.

Other than normal building hours, all university facilities shall remain locked to maintain the security of both the buildings and their contents. Keys and access cards are issued for entry to university facilities only for the purpose of conducting university business.


Access Approving Authority (AAA): University employee empowered to authorize individual access and key issuance to the areas under their administrative control. The AAA is an information provider, facilitator, and front-line guardian of University spaces. Administrative heads are the default AAAs for areas under their administration. Default AAAs may designate one or more additional individuals within their department(s). Primary AAA must be a full-time, twelve month, benefited employee. Additional approvers must be benefited but can be less than full-time and/or less than twelve months. AAAs will be given training through the FS key shop on approval procedures.

Access Review Board: Panel of evaluators for restricted access requests. Made up of the associate vice chancellor of Facilities Services (AVCFS), a University Police Department representative, an Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management representative, and an associate vice chancellor (AVC) or department head representing the requesting department. This independent board will review the need, risk, and necessary precautions associated with issuing restricted access in an effort to maintain the integrity of the access control system and appropriate area security envelope, reducing the expense, incidence, and impact of lost key events.

Access Security Plan: Security plan devised by each department and tailored to address critical security concerns specific to their operations. Reviewed and approved by the Access Review Board.

Designated Key Issue Office (DKIO): Keys to enter university buildings are issued through designated key issue offices.  The FS key shop holds primary responsibility for all campus buildings and room keys, residence hall master keys, and campus security level keys. Rural campuses, off-site research locations, and Residence Life are secondary key issue offices for 一肖一码中持.

Key Control Officer: Each designated key issue office shall have a Key Control Officer to oversee issuing and collecting Keys.

Keyholder: Any authorized person who is issued a Key to enter a university facility or space.

University Facilities: All buildings or structures owned, rented, leased by, or under the control of the university including residence halls, remote campuses, parking garages, tents, trailers, and or temporary facilities and structures located on University property.


Access Approving Authority (AAA) Training Manual (link to FS site)
Facilities Services Key Procedures
一肖一码中持 Residence Life Handbook


Facilities Services:

  • 一肖一码中持 Facilities Services is responsible for maintaining 一肖一码中持鈥檚 building access system. Building access (both exterior and interior) is provided by using various mechanical and electrical systems. Campus door locks are controlled using these systems.
  • 一肖一码中持 Facilities Services, or other designated key issue offices, working with the building users, will determine the type of access needed and will issue all keys, cards, codes and/or other access devices (collectively known as 鈥淜eys鈥).

Key Holder:

  • The holder of a key to any University space assumes responsibility for the safekeeping of the key and its use as dictated by procedures.


  1. Failure to comply with this policy and associated procedures may result in the individual and/or the administrative unit being held responsible for all costs associated with rekeying university buildings and spaces impacted by unreturned keys, and keys lost or stolen that were issued through a unit鈥檚 AAA.
  2. Key Holders refusing to return a key upon request may be charged with theft of university property.
  3. Students failing to return 一肖一码中持 keys or failing to pay fines associated with keys may have grades, transcripts and/or diplomas withheld until their account is settled.


Emergency Response:
一肖一码中持 Police and Fire departments are provided access to buildings and other spaces to facilitate the performance of their duties in alignment with this policy. Emergency access by the Police and Fire departments is authorized in all university buildings and spaces except those that are managed under specific safety or security requirements.

Facilities Services:
Keys to all University buildings and spaces are kept in a secure electronic key cabinet. In the event of a Facilities emergency (broken lock, plumbing failure, power outage, etc.) authorized Facilities Services employees will have access to respond to the emergency.

Living Spaces:
The university reserves the right to access spaces to assist with lockouts, respond during emergencies, and conduct health/safety inspections and determine room condition and repair needs. Additional information can be found in the Residence Life Handbook.

Other Keys:
Keys to vehicles, cabinets, lockers, and desks are not covered in this policy. Facilities Services will attempt to furnish such keys upon request, but the issuance and control of these keys are the responsibility of the respective university colleges and departments.


All access procedures are located on the Facilities Services resources website.



Daniel M. White, Chancellor