November 16, 2021

Anupma Prakash, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Alexis Knabe, Interim Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
Nettie La Belle-Hamer, Interim Vice Chancellor, Research
Julie Queen, Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services
Charlene Stern, Vice Chancellor, Rural, Community and Native Education
Daniel M. White, Chancellor
Delegation of Authority - Approval of Direct Appointment

University Regulation 04.03.035 - Direct Appointment, states:

Direct appointment is a selection made without open recruitment and requires approval of the regional human resources office. Direct appointments may be granted pursuant to R04.03.033 and in those cases in which open recruitment can be demonstrated to be inappropriate, such as:

  1. a request for a noncompetitive placement in a vacant position in the same or lower salary grade within the university system; prior approval of such placements must be obtained from both departments affected and the regional human resources office;
  2. to hire a qualified candidate from an underutilized class for whom an AAP hiring goal has been identified, provided that no applicant for employment may be directly appointed to any position solely on the basis of their protected class status;
  3. to hire an author, principal investigator, or staff of a restricted fund or other sole source project where the position exists only if a particular individual with exceptional qualifications is interested and available;
  4. to hire a term faculty member to replace a faculty member who unexpectedly fails to return for the beginning of classes, or is unavailable for other reasons, or when an unexpected increased enrollment warrants additional faculty.         


By this memo, with the exception of positions requiring approval of the President[1], I hereby delegate decision-making authority to you to request that direct hires be made within the units that you supervise. This may not be re-delegated without my approval. Requests for direct hires will need to be directed to the UA Human Resources Director of Talent Acquisition for approval..

Please let me know if you have any questions.



David Bishko, UA HR
Glenn Gambrell, UA HR
Nickole Conley, 一肖一码中持 Executive Officer