January 14, 2021

Chancellors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors for Administrative Services, Vice Chancellors for Student Services, General Counsel, Chief Title IX Officer, Risk Services, and University Risk Managers
Pat Pitney, Interim President
Immediate Reporting of Incidents to Senior Leadership

Delay in reporting incidents to senior leadership can impair coordination, delay appropriate response, and have serious consequences. Delay or failure to report can also significantly impact the University's insurance coverage and premiums. This memo outlines the requirement for immediate reporting of specified types of incidents and specifies who reports and who receives the reports. Please note that it is NOT the goal of this memo to eliminate duplicate reports or ensure that initial reports are completely accurate. Requiring that level of coordination will delay initial reporting and defeat the purpose of this memo.

Please maintain this memo as a standard operating procedure, distribute to your senior leadership teams, and ensure that it is implemented in all functional areas at your universities.

  1. Incidents and Events Requiring Immediate Reporting
    When you receive information indicating that any of the following types of events have occurred:
    1. loss of life or threat of loss of life;
    2. injury to students or employees that will require significant medical care or that affects multiple people;
    3. alleged sexual assaults or issues implicating protection of minors;
    4. major loss or damage to UA property (fire, flood, earthquake);
    5. when press contact about a significant negative issue is occurring;
    6. when members of the Board are likely to be contacted about a significant negative issue;
    7. when the governor's office or legislators are becoming involved in a significant negative issue; or
    8. when a staff member, faculty member, or student is diagnosed with COVID

You may require simultaneous notice to others in University leadership, but must immediately provide initial notice to the following people:

    • President
    • Relevant Chancellor
    • VP for Academic Affairs
    • VP for University Relations
    • General Counsel
    • Risk Services
    • Chief Equity and Compliance Officer (*Title IX related reports only)

Do not wait to develop all facts. Simultaneous email to all listed individuals is preferred, but use your judgment for initial notification method on a local level when dealing with an emergent situation.

  1. The initial notification should indicate: when and where the incident occurred; what happened per initial reports; who was involved/affected and their University affiliation; what steps are required/being taken to address immediate harm; and who has been notified, including whether a Clery timely warning has issued. Avoid speculation regarding responsibility/liability.
  2. Contact Information (rev. 8-7-20)

    President & Vice Presidents

    Pat Pitney, Interim President
    Email: pat.pitney@alaska.edu

    Phone: (907) 450-8009

    Paul Layer, VP Academics, Students & Research
    Email: pwlayer@alaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 450-8019

    Michelle Rizk VP University Relations
    Email: marizk(atalaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 450-8187

    Mary Gower*, Chief Equity and Compliance
    Officer (*Title IX Only)
    Email: msgower@alaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 450-8145


    Dan White, Chancellor
    Email: dmwhite@alaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 474-7112

    University of Alaska Anchorage
    Bruce Schultz, Interim Chancellor
    Email: brschultz@alaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 786-1068

    University of Alaska Southeast
    Karen Carey, Chancellor
    Email: ktcarey@alaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 796-6256

    General Counsel

    Matt Cooper, General Counsel
    Email: legal@alaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 450-8080

    Risk Services

    Ken Walker, Director, Environmental Health & Safety
    Email: kewalker6@alaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 786-7735

    Steve Mullins**, Continuity Director and Emergency Planner (**COVID Only)
    Email: smmullins@alaska.edu
    Phone: (907) 450-8349