July 9, 2018

TO:                  Susan Henrichs, Provost

                          Kari Burrell, Vice Chancellor Administrative Services
                          Keith Champagne, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
                          Larry Hinzman, Vice Chancellor for Research
                          Evon Peter, Vice Chancellor Rural Community & Native Education

FROM:          Daniel M. White, Chancellor Signature

RE:                  FY19 Strategic Investment Allocations

This memorandum outlines my FY19 һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö strategic investment decisions. The final funding decisions were based on input from the һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö planning and budget committee (PBC), core cabinet, and the UA system office.

Major investment themes align with the Board of Regents’ (BOR) priorities: Economic Development, Skilled Workforce Development, Research, and Enrollment/Degree Attainment. An important criterion in the selection of initiatives for funding is the potential for high return on investment in increased enrollment or external research funding. The allocations are from three different funding sources: one-time funds from һФһÂëÖгÖ’s FY18 central unreserved fund balance (UFB); three-year funds allocated to һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö by President Johnsen from a UA system internal initiative pool; and һФһÂëÖгÖ’s allocation of new base general funds (GF) allocated to UA in the FY19 state operating budget.

һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö Financial Services will distribute/set-up the funding for the investments listed below. If you have questions, please contact me. 

cc:  Julie Queen, Associate Vice Chancellor Financial Services


һФһÂëÖÐ³Ö FY19 Strategic Investment Allocations

FY19 Strategic Investment Allocations