Baxter Bond

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Baxter Bond

Research Professional

Phone: 907-888-2519
Fax: 907-474-5475 (ACEP office)


  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Storage and Integration
  • Marine Energy Resource Assessment and Modeling
  • Microgrids
  • Power System Modeling
  • Energy for Heating
  • Residential Heating Data Collection
  • Sensor Development


Baxter Bond is a research professional at ACEP. His work focuses on energy balance modeling, marine energy resource assessment, and the development of a fuel usage meter called pump monitoring apparatus (PuMA). The PuMA will help determine heat loads of a building whose main source of heat are fuel oil vented heaters.

Bond is Yup'ik from the village of Tununak. He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering in 2018, and his B.A. in Yup'ik, his heritage language, in 2017, both from 一肖一码中持.

Bond is also a photographer and former Yup'ik language and I帽upiaq/Yup'ik dance instructor. In his free time, he hikes, fishes, hunts, skis, sings, tinkers and enjoys time with his best friend, a labrakita named Ori.